Help a Child in Need
You Can Serve As A Guardian Ad Litem
In dependency cases, the judicial system becomes involved with a family to provide for the care, safety, and protection of children in an environment that fosters healthy social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development.
Dependency cases are often filed by the Department of Children and Families (formerly known as HRS) when the State of Florida decides that intervention is required to protect a child against child abuse, abandonment or neglect. Rebekah Brown-Wiseman is certified by her local guardian ad litem program to represent the best interests of abused, abandoned and/or neglected children in judicial proceedings.

As a volunteer guardian a litem in dependency cases, Ms. Brown-Wiseman conducts an independent investigation and works closely with the child and family to bring an independent assessment of the case to court, recommending to the judge what is best for the child’s future. This helps the child from becoming lost in the child welfare system and provides the court with the information to ensure that a child grows up in a safe home. Guardian ads litem programs throughout south Florida recruit volunteers to help protect children in dependency cases. If you are interested in volunteering for either the Broward County or Palm Beach County Guardian ad Litem Program, please contact:
Broward County Guardian ad Litem Program
Drew Korenvaes
(954) 831-6477
If you desire, please complete an application.
Palm Beach County Guardian ad Litem Program
Recruiting Hotline
(561) 355-2773
A pre-screening process is required prior to receiving an application
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