We Listen and We Act

The Only Choice When Family Matters.

Compassionate and zealous advocacy for all your family law needs.

Long Standing Dedication to Family Law. Initially started in 1998 helping family law clients at Harvard Law School's Hale & Dorr Legal Services.


We Listen and We Act

The Only Choice When Family Matters.

Compassionate and zealous advocacy for all your family law needs.

Long Standing Dedication to Family Law. Initially started in 1998 helping family law clients at Harvard Law School's Hale & Dorr Legal Services.


Experienced Legal Counsel For Adoptions

Adoption attorney Rebekah Brown-Wiseman is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the adoption process with care, concern and professionalism. Adoption is governed by state law and as such, if an adoptive parent or a birth parent resides in Florida, it is imperative to hire an attorney proficient in Florida adoption law. The Fort Lauderdale Law Office of Rebekah Brown-Wiseman, P.A., exclusively handles family law cases. Florida rules for adoption vary depending on the type of adoption.

  • Stepparent adoption: Florida law has a simplified process to expedite stepparent adoption cases such as a waiver of the time and expense for a home study. Stepparent adoption secures the stepparent’s legal rights to raise the child as his or her own child.
  • Relative adoption: If you desire to adopt a grandchild, niece, nephew or other close family member, relative adoptions bypass some of the lengthy Florida adoption requirements.
  • Same-sex adoption: Florida permits same-sex marriages and adoptions. Some lesbian couples have opted to use sperm donor banks and benefited from Florida’s expedited process for these types of adoptions. Other same-sex couples have used birth mothers, chosen an adoptive child or have listed themselves as available adoptive parents for a birth parent to choose. Ms. Brown-Wiseman is conveniently located on Oakland Park Boulevard in the Oakland Park section of Fort Lauderdale, has already successfully finalized gay and lesbian adoptions and is ready to help you start your new family.
  • Foster children adoption: There are many children whose parental rights have been terminated and are in need of a forever family.

Interstate adoption: If you reside in Florida and desire to adopt a child from another state, or if you reside in another state and desire to terminate parental rights of biological parents who reside in the state of Florida, specific requirements set forth in the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children must be met. Ms. Brown-Wiseman oversees the process between the sending and receiving states to ensure that all necessary documents have been submitted and then conducts follow up with each state to track the progress of the case and intervene if necessary.

  • International adoption: To adopt a child from another country, the adoption lawyer must honor the termination of parental rights and adoption rules of the sending country in order to finalize the adoption in Florida.
  • Financial information: There is financial assistance available to qualifying parents who desire to adopt including the federal adoption tax credit, adoption subsidy for members of the military, and the Family and Medical Leave Act.

A Lawyer Who Understands Families And Children

Adoption attorney Rebekah Brown-Wiseman has been litigating adoptions in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for many different types of families and is ready to create a new family for you. As a former attorney for the Florida Department of Children and Families and a former guardian ad litem program attorney, she knows how important it is for children to have a stable, loving home. Ms. Brown-Wiseman is sensitive to the emotional concerns of adoptive parents and ensures that they are informed and understand each step of the adoption process.

Ms. Brown-Wiseman started her 2015 year with a message from a previous adoptive mother who wrote, “just know every year that you changed my life forever.” Ms. Brown-Wiseman desires to continue creating many happy families for many years to come.

If you are considering adoption, please contact the Law Office of Rebekah Brown-Wiseman, P.A., in Fort Lauderdale. Call 954-563-1331 to arrange a consultation. To learn more about adoption, please visit our adoption practice page.


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